Accueil » Continental shelf, Protocol agreement between OMNIS and SIO

Continental shelf, Protocol agreement between OMNIS and SIO

The Office of National Mining and Strategic Industries (OMNIS) and the Second Institute of Oceanography (SIO) signed this April 16, 2021 a Protocol agreement on the cooperation for the delineation of the Continental Shelf of Madagascar, as well as an implementation agreement related to it. This signature is based on the decision taken by the Council of Ministers on March 3, 2021, which deals with scientific cooperation between the two entities.

The ceremony was held at the Convention Hall of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Anosy. The Malagasy delegation was led by HE Dr. TEHINDRAZANARIVELO Djacoba A. S. Oliva, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Mr. RAVOKATRA Fidiniavo, Minister of Mines and Strategic Resources and our Chinese collaborators by Dr. WANG Hong, Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Administrator of State Oceanic Administration. Then Mrs. RASOLONIRINA Nantenaina, Acting General Manager of OMNIS and Dr. FANG Yinxia, Deputy General Manager of SIO who are the signers of these protocols. 

Marine seismic surveys of the area concerned will be carried out by Chinese-Malagasy technicians following this signature. Then will come the analysis of these data which will be carried out jointly by scientists from both countries.


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