One of our spearheads in the development of our office and relationship with our stakeholders is the affirmation of our social responsibility, with the promotion of sustainable socio-economic diversity and preparation of the environment for the development of the upstream petroleum sector as keystones.
Our actions to contribute to the protection of the environment :
- Contribution to the minimisation of the negative impacts of our activities and those of our partners on the environment: obligation for the Office and our partners to comply with applicable legislation on the protection of the environment and biodiversity, including sites rehabilitation, active participation in the Technical Evaluation Committee and attendance to workshops on environmental protection.
- Contribution to the implementation of the national policy on reforestation: annual reforestation, pilot reforestation project.
- Taking environmental protection into account in our contracts: partners’ obligations to respect the environment and capacity building to strengthen the competence of our employees involved.
Human rights
Our actions to guarantee the respect of Human Rights:
- Commitment to respect the individual, his dignity and fundamental rights: the importance of respect for others in our internal and external relationships, compliance with the human rights laws and the Labour Code.
- Commitment to the fight against discrimination and equal opportunities: offering women and men the same opportunities in terms of recruitment, internal promotion and pay.
- Commitment to the protection of personal and/or confidential data: confidentiality clause signed by all our employees and to be inserted in contracts with our partners.
- Commitment to ensure our employees fulfilment in their workplace: the right to health, rest, leisure, safety and well-being at work, etc.
Customers and consumers:
Our actions to build a climate of trust and confidence with our different partners:
- Provision of the necessary information to our partners about our activities and services: reliable information on laboratory and drilling services as well as our other activities (website, brochures, ……), information on calls for tenders and procedures for concluding contracts with OMNIS, accreditation of our laboratory, development and strengthening of our technical competence, upgrading of technical equipment fleet.
- Compliance with our contractual commitments and consideration of the CSR aspect in the contracts negotiated with partners: contractual clauses on the fulfilment of commitments and implementation of CSR actions and also, contractual clauses on dispute resolution in the event of non-compliance.
- Protection of our partners’ data: confidentiality clause on data obtained from services requested by our partners or from our contractual relationship with them.
Fair practices
Our actions to ensure integrity and honesty principles:
- Commitment to comply with the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) standard: annual statement of revenues paid by our partners.
- Adoption of anti-corruption practices: asset declarations by managers, compliance with anti-corruption law, implementation of public procurement rules.
- Integration of CSR in our purchasing and contracting practices: consideration of ethics, environment, health and safety sections etc. in the diverse contracts we have signed and in our actions
Relationships and working conditions
Our actions to value and support our employees both professionally and personally:
- Establishment of frameworks that ensure social dialogue within the office and also, dialogue between employers and employees: organization of periodic meetings with the staff representatives, establishment of the works committee and continuous improvement of internal communication actions.
- Provision of motivating working conditions and social protection: enforcement of the labour code, adoption of a collective agreement, code of conduct and internal regulations, provision of the necessary equipment for the performance of work, continuous improvement of the management in terms of work procedures and processes, implementation of collaborative tools; enforcement of satisfactory social security coverage; organization of recreational and sports activities.
- Development of our human capital: progressive implementation of provisional management of jobs and skills, continuous capacity building, valorisation of collective and individual results, and lastly continuous protection of our employees’ health.
Territory and local interest
Our actions to get involved with local communities:
- Contribution to local socio-economic development actions: donations, training.
- Establishment of sustainable relationships with our stakeholders by adopting a culture of constructive dialogue: involvement of our stakeholders in our new actions, information on the results of exchanges with our stakeholders
- Generation of job opportunities and income-generating activities, grant of trainings as well as transfer of skills to nationals through our collaboration with our partners. All these parameters are taken into account in our contractual clauses.