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The “National Military Office for Strategic Industries”, known as “OMNIS”, is created under the high authority of the President of the Republic.

Status: Organisation of national interest with civil status and financial autonomy.

President of the Office: The President of the Republic is the President of the Office.

The adoption of OMNIS’s statutes


  • define the national policy on military and / or strategic industries within the framework of the Charter of Socialist Revolution and the National Development Plan;
  • study and propose any measure to promote and develop the activities falling into its remit;
  • monitor and coordinate the activities of institutions with financial autonomy and which is supervised by OMNIS or in which OMNIS has share participation;
  • ensure the management or control of the property, made available by the State or made available to the supervisory bodies, on behalf of the State;
  • conduct or commission research, studies and investments according to OMNIS contract or convention or that OMNIS undertakes on its own initiative;
  • conduct or commission research and exploitation of military and/or strategic mining resources, especially on uranium and radioactive minerals, or on hydrocarbons and bituminous minerals.

In that respect, OMNIS ensures the supervision of companies and institutions pursuant to a decree of the Council of Ministers.

The adoption of the Petroleum Code N ° 80-001 of 6 June 1980

In a context in which the State monopolise oil operations and it exercised by national companies, In a context in which the State monopolise oil operations and OMNIS ensures the supervision and the control of those national companies as well as Malagasy or foreign companies that undertake petroleum operations in Madagascar.

Le Code Pétrolier N°96-018 du 4 septembre 1996 est adopté.

Cadre institutionnel :

  • Organisme technique : représente l’Etat et assure la gestion du domaine minier national d’Hydrocarbures.

L’OMNIS est désigné comme organisme technique chargé de la gestion du domaine minier national d’Hydrocarbures.

  • Société Nationale : assure la réalisation des opérations pétrolières.

L’organisme technique est autorisé à agir au nom et pour le compte de la société nationale jusqu’à sa mise en place effective.

New missions (Law No. 99-003 of 21 April 1999):

  • In the mining domain:
    • Develop basic geological data;
    • Assume the function of the mining promotion office.
  • In the Hydrocarbon domain:
    • Implement the national policy on Hydrocarbons exploration and exploitation..

The statutes are amended to place OMNIS under the supervision of the Ministry of Energy and Mines.

The OMNIS Board of Directors has adopted the new OMNIS strategy for better performance through operational excellence, an agile organization and citizen engagement.


The “National Military Office for Strategic Industries”, known as “OMNIS”, is created under the high authority of the President of the Republic.

Status: Organisation of national interest with civil status and financial autonomy.

President of the Office: The President of the Republic is the President of the Office.


The adoption of OMNIS’s statutes


  • define the national policy on military and / or strategic industries within the framework of the Charter of Socialist Revolution and the National Development Plan;
  • study and propose any measure to promote and develop the activities falling into its remit;
  • monitor and coordinate the activities of institutions with financial autonomy and which is supervised by OMNIS or in which OMNIS has share participation;
  • ensure the management or control of the property, made available by the State or made available to the supervisory bodies, on behalf of the State;
  • conduct or commission research, studies and investments according to OMNIS contract or convention or that OMNIS undertakes on its own initiative;
  • conduct or commission research and exploitation of military and/or strategic mining resources, especially on uranium and radioactive minerals, or on hydrocarbons and bituminous minerals.

In that respect, OMNIS ensures the supervision of companies and institutions pursuant to a decree of the Council of Ministers.


The adoption of the Petroleum Code N ° 80-001 of 6 June 1980

In a context in which the State monopolise oil operations and it exercised by national companies, In a context in which the State monopolise oil operations and OMNIS ensures the supervision and the control of those national companies as well as Malagasy or foreign companies that undertake petroleum operations in Madagascar.


Le Code Pétrolier N°96-018 du 4 septembre 1996 est adopté.

Cadre institutionnel :

  • Organisme technique : représente l’Etat et assure la gestion du domaine minier national d’Hydrocarbures.

L’OMNIS est désigné comme organisme technique chargé de la gestion du domaine minier national d’Hydrocarbures.

  • Société Nationale : assure la réalisation des opérations pétrolières.

L’organisme technique est autorisé à agir au nom et pour le compte de la société nationale jusqu’à sa mise en place effective.


New missions (Law No. 99-003 of 21 April 1999):

  • In the mining domain:
    • Develop basic geological data;
    • Assume the function of the mining promotion office.
  • In the Hydrocarbon domain:
    • Implement the national policy on Hydrocarbons exploration and exploitation..

The statutes are amended to place OMNIS under the supervision of the Ministry of Energy and Mines.


The OMNIS Board of Directors has adopted the new OMNIS strategy for better performance through operational excellence, an agile organization and citizen engagement.

General Managers



1976 – 1977


Hubert Ralaimiza

1977 – 1986



1986 – 1992


Max Désiré

1992 – 1997






1976 – 1977


Hubert Ralaimiza

1977 – 1986



1986 – 1992


Max Désiré

1992 – 1997




Gal de Brigade Ackram Mohajy


1997 – 2002

Gal de Brigade Ackram Mohajy


1997 – 2002



2002 – 2004


Elisé Alitera

2004 – 2007


Joeli Valérien

2007 – 2011


Bonaventure Momo

2011 – 2016



2002 – 2004


Elisé Alitera

2004 – 2007


Joeli Valérien

2007 – 2011


Bonaventure Momo

2011 – 2016


Voahangy Niriana

2018 – 2019



2019 – 2020


Voahangy Niriana

2018 – 2019



2019 – 2020


Andry Nantenaina

2020 – to day


Andry Nantenaina

2020 – to day

Les Logos

1973 – 2003

2004 – Avril 2010

Mai 2010 – Déc 2011

Janvier – Août 2012

Sept 2012 – Août 2015

Sept 2015 – Actuel

Meaning of the current logo





The logo of OMNIS is based on a triangular shape.

A symbol ofstability and project creation, the triangle conveys the constancy of the office’s activities and also its strength in generating projects in the country.






The magnifying glass representsresearch, the spearhead of OMNIS

The circle symbolisessustainability (of the office’s activities) The upward slanting line in the circle represents

dynamism, , the desire to move forward.

The drop symbolises petroleum.


The leaves represent the environment. It symbolises

the protection of the environment by OMNIS in the conduct

of its activities.

This acronym is the basis for the conquest of a new notoriety. It is the showcase of the dynamic that drives the Office of National Mines and Strategic Industries to regain a strong place in people’s minds.


The logo colours and the slogan reflect the institutional and State dimension of OMNIS. The emphasis on the green and red shades chosen reflect the new dynamic that drives the office.

These colours can easily be used on all types of media, but their use is to be preferred on a white background.

Blue : a reassuring colour, blue represents seriousness and reliability.
Red: a symbol of activity and strength, red represents dynamism.

conveys ideas of new beginnings, hope and abundance.

It represents nature and growth

Grey: A more neutral colour, this shade has the merit of being soothing and calm. It represents wealth.