New OMNIS Deputy General Managers were appointed during
The Council of Ministers of Wednesday 04 November 2020 saw the appointment of 2 new Deputy Directors General within OMNIS. These are Mrs. RASOLONIRINA Andry Nantenaina as Deputy Managing Director of Management (DGAM) and Mr. VELONTAHINA Lamina Fototra Zafiry as Deputy Chief Technical Officer (DGAT).
Two series of handover.
The first handover took place at the OMNIS premises in Mangasoavina on 06 November 2020. A ceremony during which Ms RANOROARISOA Lalanirina, the Interim General Manager (DG pi) and outgoing DGAT passes the torch to Mr VELONTAHINA Lamina Fototra Zafiry who will henceforth occupy this position. The DGAM position which was previously occupied by Mrs RANAIVOHARILALA Bakoly Nirina is now attributed to Mrs RASOLONIRINA Andry Nantenaina.
The second handover ceremony was held at the same place on November 23, 2020 following the signing of an interim note by the Minister of Mines and Strategic Resources. A note appointing Mrs RASOLONIRINA Andry Nantenaina as the new DGpi of OMNIS. The new DG pi affirmed her willingness to continue the efforts already made by her predecessors and the strengthening of the collaborative work in the realisation of OMNIS missions.
OMNIS projects
These handover ceremonies were an opportunity for the Minister of Mines and Strategic Resources, Mr RAVOKATRA Fidiniavo, to warmly thank the outgoing Deputy General Managers for their services during their interim period and to welcome the incoming General Managers. The minister then talks about the projects to be carried out by OMNIS, including the relaunch of oil promotion, the extension of the Continental Shelf and the company QMM S.A.

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